日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20423 次
--Create table create table TESTRRT ( complexid NUMBER not null,--复合指标id basicid VARCHAR2(20) not null,--基础指标id chu VARCHAR2(20),--除法标示(a为分子,b为分母) plus VARCHAR2(20),--乘法标示 direction NUMBER,--计算方向(1为正2为负) value NUMBER )
--单独除法关系的指标 select t.complexid, decode(sum(case when t.chu = 'b' and t.direction = 1 then t.VALUE when t.chu = 'b' and t.direction = 2 then -t.VALUE end), 0, 0, sum(case when t.chu = 'a' and t.direction = 1 then t.VALUE when t.chu = 'a' and t.direction = 2 then -t.VALUE end) / sum(case when t.chu = 'b' and t.direction = 1 then t.VALUE when t.chu = 'b' and t.direction = 2 then -t.VALUE end)) from testrrt t where t.complexid = 1 group by t.complexid
--先乘后除指标【累乘算法:exp(ln(a)+ln(b)+ln(c))=a*b*c】 select t.complexid, decode(exp(sum(ln(case when t.plus = 'p' and t.chu = 'b' then t.value end))),0,0,exp(sum(ln(case when t.plus = 'p' and t.chu = 'a' then t.value end)))/sum(case when t.plus is null and t.chu = 'b' then t.value end) ) mvalues from testrrt t where t.complexid = 3 group by t.complexid