日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20434 次
Oracle Clusterware
Oracle-provided clusterware that manages clusterdatabase processing including node membership, group services, global resourcemanagement, and high availability functions.
CRSD- OracleClusterware Daemon
The primary Oracle Clusterware process
crsd:Performs highavailability recovery and management operations such as maintaining the OCR andmanaging application resources. This process runs as the root user, or by auser in the admin group on Mac OSX-based systems. This process restarts automatically upon failure.
The CRSD process that creates the backupsalso creates and retains an OCR backup for each full
day and at the end of each week .
crsd :执行高可用性的恢复和管理操作:维护ocr,管理应用资源,该进程以root用户身份运行。该进程在由于故障意外断后会自动重启。Crsd会在每天或者每周结束时对ocr进行备份。