日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20544 次


CRS_HOME/bin下面的kfed和kfod是检查ASM disk的非常有用的工具

-bash-2.05b$ kfed -help
as/mlib         ASM Library [asmlib='lib']
aun/um          AU number to examine or update [AUNUM=number]
aus/z           Allocation Unit size in bytes [AUSZ=number]
blkn/um         Block number to examine or update [BLKNUM=number]
blks/z          Metadata block size in bytes [BLKSZ=number]
ch/ksum         Update checksum before each write [CHKSUM=YES/NO]
cn/t            Count of AUs to process [CNT=number]
de/v            ASM device to examine or update [DEV=string]
dm/pall         Don't suppress repeated lines when dumping corrupt blocks [DMPALL=YES/NO]
p/rovnm         Name for provisioning purposes [PROVNM=string]
s/eek           AU number to seek to [SEEK=number]
te/xt           File name for translated block text [TEXT=string]
ty/pe           ASM metadata block type number [TYPE=number]
v/erb           Verbose execution [verbose=YES|NO]

-bash-2.05b$ kfod -help
_asm_a/llow_only_raw_disks              KFOD allow only raw devices [_asm_allow_only_raw_disks=(TRUE)/FALSE]
_asm_l/ibraries         ASM Libraries[_asm_libraries=lib1,lib2,...]
_asms/id                ASM Instance[_asmsid=sid]
_p/atch_lib             Patchlib [_patch_lib=<asmclntsh_path>]
_u/ser          OS Username
asm_/diskstring         ASM Diskstring [asm_diskstring=discoverystring, discoverystring ...]
asmc/ompatibility               Include diskgroup ASM compatibility [asmcompatibility=TRUE/(FALSE)]
c/luster                KFOD cluster [cluster=TRUE/(FALSE)]
db_/unique_name         db_unique_name for ASM instance[db_unique_name=dbname]
dbc/ompatibility                Include diskgroup DB compatibility [dbcompatibility=TRUE/(FALSE)]
di/sks          Disks to discover [disks=raw,asm,all]
ds/cvgroup              Include group name [dscvgroup=TRUE/(FALSE)]
g/roup          Disks in diskgroup [group=diskgroup]
h/ostlist               hostlist[hostlist=host1,host2,...]
metadata_a/usize                AU Size for Metadata Size Calculation