日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20522 次
with test_cc as ( select 'A' root,'B' parent_root from dual union select 'B','C' from dual union select 'C','D' from dual union select 'C','E' from dual union select 'E','F' from dual ) select level lv, connect_by_root(root) conn_root, connect_by_root(parent_root) conn_parent_root, --最后一个是A的才是leaf connect_by_isleaf, sys_connect_by_path(parent_root,'>')||'>'||root path from test_cc connect by prior root=parent_root;
with test_cc as ( select 'A' root,'B' parent_root from dual union select 'B','C' from dual union select 'C','D' from dual union select 'C','E' from dual union select 'E','F' from dual ) select level lv, connect_by_isleaf, connect_by_root(root)||sys_connect_by_path(parent_root,'>') path from test_cc connect by prior parent_root=root;
select level lv, connect_by_isleaf lf, part_no,component_part,per_assembly, connect_by_root(part_no) rt_part_no, connect_by_root(component_part) rt_component_part, sys_connect_by_path(per_assembly,'>') path_value, connect_by_root(part_no)||sys_connect_by_path(component_part,'>') path_correct, substr(sys_connect_by_path(per_assembly,'*'),2,100) path_exp_value from CY_BOM_COMPONENT --(select * from CY_BOM_COMPONENT where part_no='ABDEF') connect by nocycle prior component_part = part_no order by path_correct;
select * from( select level lv, connect_by_isleaf lf, part_no,component_part,per_assembly, connect_by_root(part_no) rt_part_no, connect_by_root(component_part) rt_component_part, sys_connect_by_path(per_assembly,'>') path_value, connect_by_root(part_no)||sys_connect_by_path(component_part,'>') path_correct, substr(sys_connect_by_path(per_assembly,'*'),2,100) path_exp_value from CY_BOM_COMPONENT --(select * from CY_BOM_COMPONENT where part_no='ABDEF') connect by nocycle prior component_part = part_no )where lf=1 order by path_correct;