1. 树(sql2005以上版本)
--通过子节点查询父节点 WITH TREE AS( SELECT * FROM tstructure WHERE id = 6 -- 要查询的子 id UNION ALL SELECT tstructure.* FROM tstructure, TREE WHERE TREE.parent = tstructure.id ) SELECT * FROM TREE --通过父节点查询子节点 WITH TREE AS( SELECT * FROM tstructure WHERE parent = 2 -- 要查询的父 id UNION ALL SELECT tstructure.* FROM tstructure, TREE WHERE tstructure.parent = TREE.id ) SELECT * FROM TREE
2. 从结果集更新表?
update t_health_gps set latitude = b.lat, longitude = b.lng from t_health_gps a , (select x.aged_id, y.community, y.detailed, z.area_name,z.position, u.gps_id, u.latitude,u.longitude, SUBSTRING(z.position, 0, CHARINDEX(',', z.position)) as lng, SUBSTRING(z.position, CHARINDEX(',', z.position) + 1, LEN(z.position)) as lat from t_aged x, t_aged_address y, t_area_dict z, t_health_gps u where x.aged_id = y.aged_id and y.community = z.area_id and u.aged_id = x.aged_id ) as b where a.gps_id = b.gps_id
3. 注释
EXECUTE sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', '服务商信息表', N'user', N'dbo', N'table', N't_sp_company', NULL, NULL; EXECUTE sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', '服务商ID', N'user', N'dbo', N'table', N't_sp_company', N'COLUMN', N'sp_id';
4. 修改字段
alter table t_member alter column face_url varchar(500);