日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20461 次






Feed4JUnit 1.1.2 发布了,该版本支持数据来自数据库

???????????? 利用Feed4JUnit能够很方便用随机但校验过的数据执行冒烟测试来提高代码 代码覆盖率和发现由非常特殊的数据结构产生的Bug。此外还可以利用Feed4JUnit轻松定义等价类测试。


Retrieving test data from a database

Databases can be declared and configured with a?@Database?annotation. When applying the annotation to a class, the defined database is available to all test methods. When annotating a method, the database is available only in this method. A basic configuration can be performed by specifying the typical JDBC connection settings:?url,?driver,?user,password. The database declaration must specify an?id, by which the database can be referred to as @Source of a method. The?@Source?annotation must refer to the database?idand define a SQL query as?selector. The number of query result columns must match the number of method parameters:

@Database(id?= "db",?url?= "jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/f4jdb",?
????????driver?= "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver",?user?= "me",?password?= "secret")
public class DatabaseTest {??
??? static DBSystem db;
??? @Test
????@Source(id?= "db",?selector?= "select id, name from dbt_person")
??? public void test(int id, String name) {
??????? System.out.println(id + ", " + name);
??? }

Alternatively to the explicit database connection configuration, you can place database environment configurations in your user directory and refer to them in the test:

@Database(id?= "db",?environment?= "f4jdb")?

Read more about environment files in the?DB Sanity environment files?document