日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20529 次

Aqua Data Studio问题小结


?使用Aqua Data Studio遇到以下几个问题:


(1)select * from orders:



>[Error] Script lines: 7-7 --------------------------
?An unexpected token "" was found following "".? Expected tokens may include:? "select * from orders".. SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, DRIVER=3.61.75

?More exceptions ... An error occurred during implicit system action type "2". Information returned for the error includes SQLCODE "-104", SQLSTATE "42601" and message tokens "".. SQLCODE=-727, SQLSTATE=56098, DRIVER=3.61.75

?[Executed: 2013-11-18 下午10:12:48] [Execution: 0ms]








