日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20339 次





sys@SYTST> select * from v$version where rownum<2;

Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production

sys@SYTST> show parameter undo

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management                      string      AUTO
undo_retention                       integer     900
undo_tablespace                      string      UNDOTBS

sys@SYTST> select tablespace_name,file_name,AUTOEXTENSIBLE,bytes/1024/1024 size_mb
  2  from dba_data_files where tablespace_name like '%UNDO%';

TABLESPACE_NAME                FILE_NAME                                               AUT    SIZE_MB
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------- --- ----------
UNDOTBS                        /u02/database/SYTST/undo/undoSYTST1.dbf                 NO          20

  2  AS
  3  SELECT rownum AS id,
  4         round(5678+dbms_random.normal*1234) AS n1,
  5         mod(255+trunc(dbms_random.normal*1000),255) AS n2,
  6         dbms_random.string('p',255) AS pad
  7  FROM dual
  8  CONNECT BY level <= 100000
  9  ORDER BY dbms_random.value;

Table created.

sys@SYTST> @chk_advs_undo

Session altered.

- Undo Analysis started at : 24/10/2013 14:39:58 -
NOTE:The following analysis is based upon the database workload during the period -
Begin Time : 17/10/2013 14:39:58
End Time   : 24/10/2013 14:39:58

Current Undo Configuration
Current undo tablespace                                 : UNDOTBS
Current undo tablespace size (datafile size now)        : 20M
Current undo tablespace size (consider autoextend)      : 20M
AUTOEXTEND for undo tablespace is                       : OFF
Current undo retention                                  : 900
UNDO GUARANTEE is set to                                : FALSE

Undo Advisor Summary
Finding 1:The undo tablespace is OK.    --->当前的undo配置合理

Undo Space Recommendation
Allocated undo space is sufficient for the current workload.

Retention Recommendation
The best possible retention with current configuration is    : 5996 Seconds
The longest running query ran for                            : 52 Seconds
The undo retention required to avoid errors is               : 52 Seconds

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


sys@SYTST> @mystat "undo change"
sys@SYTST> set echo off

NAME                                                                  VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
undo change vector size                                              363568

sys@SYTST> update t set pad=dbms_random.string('l',255);
update t set pad=dbms_random.string('l',255)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-30036: unable to extend segment by 8 in undo tablespace 'UNDOTBS'   --->得到了错误提示,无法扩展undo,因为当前环境undo未启用自动扩展

--Author : Leshami
--Blog   : http://blog.csdn.net/leshami

sys@SYTST> @mystat2  