日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20465 次

FusionCharts:It is time to say our final goodbye to Flash.

Eleven years ago, a charting component was born. Its name was FusionCharts and it was written in Adobe Flash (then Macromedia Flash). Flash was a pretty cool technology back then but now that we're in 2013, in an era of modern web standards, it's time to say goodbye.

While we introduced our JavaScript (HTML5) version back in 2010 itself, we kept working on our Flash version alongside, spending equal time and effort on it for two reasons. First, we wanted to make sure that users could access the chart even on smartphones that didn't have modern browsers - these browsers didn't support HTML5 back then but supported Flash alright. Second, we had over 20,000 organizations and half a million developers using our products and not all of them could make the transition overnight. They shouldn't have to. But that should't keep them from having the latest in charting. So we worked on both the JavaScript (HTML5) and Flash versions simultaneously for 3 long years.

But today, an overwhelming majority of smartphones have modern browsers and most of our customers have made the transition. It is time to leave legacy issues behind and break through the shackles. It is time to say our final goodbye to Flash.

Goodbye Flash — thanks for everything you have done for us. Hello JavaScript — we have things to do and places to go.