日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20539 次

ora-00031:session marked for kill(标记要终止的会话)解决方法

      今天碰到一个问题,有一张表不能操作,很可能是被锁了,首先想到的是kill session,于是执行了下列的脚本找到是哪个session有问题:

select object_name, machine, s.sid,s.serial#

 from v$locked_object l, dba_objects o, v$session s

 where l.object_id = o.object_id

   and l.session_id =s.sid;

      发现有一个会话有锁sid 197,serial# 17,于是执行alter system kill session ‘197,17’;大概等了30s中,pl/sql developer报出一个错误:ora-00031:标记要终止的会话。


select spid, osuser, s.program

 from v$session s, v$process p

 where s.paddr = p.addr

   and s.sid =197;

1. 在linux上,  kill -9 12345

2. 在windows上,C:\Documents and Settings\gg>orakill orcl 12345




ORA-00031: session marked for kill

Cause: The session specified in an ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command cannot bekilled immediately (because it is rolling back or blocked on a networkoperation), but it has been marked for kill. This means it will be killed as soonas possible after its current uninterruptible operation is done.

Action: No action is required for the session to be killed, but further executionsof the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command on this session may cause the sessionto be killed sooner.