日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20502 次
oracle : create table test2 as select * from test(创建表结构和里面的数据) create table test2 as select * from test where 1=2(只创建表结构) mssql: select * into customer3 from customer mysql: 同oracle create table customer2 as select * from customer
select s.stuno, s.stuname, c.courseno,c.name from stuinfo s, scourse c, examscoure e where s.stuno = e.stuno and c.courseno = e.scourcno and s.stuno IN (SELECT s.stuno from stuinfo s, examscoure e where s.stuno = e.stuno GROUP BY s.stuno HAVING COUNT(e.stuno) >= 3)