日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20477 次
create or replace procedure prod_fixing_datacb IS type cur_userId is ref cursor; -- 游动浮标定义 c_msgUserIds cur_userId; c_actionUserIds cur_userId; c_msgUids cur_userId; c_todoUserIds cur_userId; mysql varchar2(4000); n_msgUserId number:=0; -- 承办用户wf_msg.nUserId n_actionUserId number:=0; -- 承办用户wf_proc_action.nUserId n_msgUid number:=0; -- 来文登记用户wf_msg.nUserId v_todoUserIds varchar2(2000); n_userId number:=0; -- 获取的承办用户结果 n_nDocId number:=0; n_nFlowId number:=0; CURSOR c_fixing_docIds IS -- 修复收文中批示,拟办节点缺少续办对象的数据 select gwe.nDocId, gwe.nFlowId from wf_doc_gw gw, wf_doc_gw_entity gwe where gw.ndocId = gwe.ndocId and gw.ndocsortId = 1 and gw.nstate=0 and gw.cProcUserList is null and gw.nProcId in (66,10) order by gw.nDocId; begin open c_fixing_docIds; Loop Fetch c_fixing_docIds into n_nDocId,n_nFlowId; if (n_nFlowId>0) then -- 获得承办用户USERID mysql := 'select msgUserId from ('|| 'select nMsgId, nUserId as msgUserId,currentProcId,'|| 'row_number() over(partition by currentProcId order by dwrite desc) rowNumberId '|| 'from wf_msg '|| 'where currentProcId = 64 and ndocid='||n_nDocId||') a where rowNumberId=1'; open c_msgUserIds for mysql; loop fetch c_msgUserIds into n_msgUserId; exit when c_msgUserIds%notfound; if(n_msgUserId>0) then n_userId := n_msgUserId; end if; end loop; close c_msgUserIds; if (n_userId=0) then mysql := 'select actionUserId from '|| '(select nUserId as actionUserId, '|| 'row_number() over(partition by nFlowId order by dRecvDate desc) rowNumberId '|| 'from wf_proc_action '|| 'where nProcId = 64 and '|| 'ndocid='||n_nDocId||') a where rowNumberId=1";'; open c_actionUserIds for mysql; loop fetch c_actionUserIds into n_actionUserId; exit when c_actionUserIds%notfound; if(n_actionUserId>0) then n_userId := n_actionUserId; end if; end loop; close c_actionUserIds; end if; if (n_userId=0) then mysql := 'select msgUserId from ('|| 'select nMsgId, nUserId as msgUserId,currentProcId,'|| 'row_number() over(partition by currentProcId order by dwrite desc) rowNumberId '|| 'from wf_msg '|| 'where currentProcId = 20 and ndocid='||n_nDocId||') a where rowNumberId=1'; open c_msgUids for mysql; loop fetch c_msgUids into n_msgUid; exit when c_msgUids%notfound; if(n_msgUid>0) then n_userId := n_msgUid; end if; end loop; close c_msgUids; end if; Dbms_Output.put_line('n_userId:'||n_userId); mysql:='update dispatch_entitylog '|| 'set sendstatus=1, receiveuserid='||n_userId||','|| 'receivedate=sysdate,receivestatus=1,'|| 'receiveusername=(select u.realname from tbuser u where u.userid='||n_userId||'),'|| 'receiveentityname=(select e1.entityname from tbuser u, tbentity e1 where u.currententityid=e1.entityid and u.userid='||n_userId||'),'|| 'receiveorgname=(select e2.entityname from tbuser u, tbentity e1, tbentity e2 where u.currententityid=e1.entityid and e1.belongedentityid = e2.entityid and u.userid = '||n_userId||') '|| 'where nFlowId='||n_nFlowId||' and receive