日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20731 次



create table a(id number);      
create table b(id number);      
insert into a values(1);      
insert into a values(2);      
insert into a values(3);      
insert into b values(1);      
insert into b values(2);      
insert into b values(4);      

select * from a left join b on a.id=b.id;      
select * from a, b where a.id=b.id(+);      
        ID         ID      
---------- ----------      
         1          1      
         2          2      
select * from a right join b on a.id=b.id;      
select * from a, b where a.id(+)=b.id;      
        ID         ID      
---------- ----------      
         1          1      
         2          2      
select * from a join b on a.id=b.id;      
select * from a, b where a.id=b.id;      
        ID         ID      
---------- ----------      
         1          1      
         2          2      
select * from a full join b on a.id=b.id;      
select *      
from a, b      
where a.id = b.id(+)      
select *       
from a, b       
where a.id(+) = b.id;      
        ID         ID      
---------- ----------      
         1          1      
         2          2      
select * from a,b;      
select * from a cross join b;      
        ID         ID      
---------- ----------      
         1          1      
         1          2      
         1          4      
         2          1      
         2          2      
         2          4      
         3          1      
         3          2      
         3          4      
inner join     
left join     
right join     
full join     
cross join     
select *       
from a, b      
where a.id = b.id(+)      
   and b.id = 2;      
        ID         ID      
---------- ----------      
         2          2         
--注意where上第二个加号,它的作用是修改右边表记录的显示,例如如果b.id(+) = 2,显示为2,否则显示null      
select *      
from a, b      
where a.id = b.id(+)      
   and b.id(+) = 2;      
        ID         ID      
---------- ----------      
         2          2      
create table a(id number);      
create table b(id number);      
insert into a values(1);      
insert into a values(2);      
insert into a values(3);      
insert into b values(1);      
insert into b values(2);      
insert into b values(4);      

select * from a left join b on a.id=b.id;      
select * from a, b where a.id=b.id(+);      
        ID         ID      
---------- ----------      
         1          1      
         2          2      
select * from a right join b on a.id=b.id;      
select * from a, b where a.id(+)=b.id;      
        ID         ID      
---------- ----------      
         1          1      
         2          2      
select * from a join b on a.id=b.id;      
select * from a, b where a.id=b.id;      
        ID         ID