日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20411 次

1.mnesia 是ets和dets上面封装一层的事务层。底层实现用的是这,重点加强了锁和分布式的适应。

2.1 简单的键-值查询;--------最好用ets或dict
巨大的二进制数据:图片,音频;--------把每个记录和文件脱离,只记录文件名之类。(好像还有个开源数据库可用的?)2.2 一个持续的日志;----------disk_log库
2.3 一个必须存储GB级别的数据库;--------这个不是首选,但是可以用来[/color]缓存用户会话(在线)数据,定时写入到指定数据库中。
2.4 一直增长的大型数据档案。

create_schema(DiscNodes) -> ok | {error,Reason}

create_table(Name, TabDef) -> {atomic, ok} | {aborted, Reason

4.小技巧:要知道一个节点ping通么:net_adm:pin(Nodes).->pong |pang

wait_for_tables(TabList,Timeout) -> ok | {timeout, BadTabList} | {error, Reason}
Some applications need to wait for certain tables to be accessible in order to do useful work. mnesia:wait_for_tables/2 hangs until all tables in the TabList are accessible, or until timeout is reached.

transaction(Fun [[, Args], Retries]) -> {aborted, Reason} | {atomic, ResultOfFun}

This function executes the functional object Fun with arguments Args as a transaction.
The code which executes inside the transaction can consist of a series of table manipulation functions. If something goes wrong inside the transaction as a result of a user error or a certain table not being available, the entire transaction is aborted and the function transaction/1 returns the tuple {aborted, Reason}.
If all is well, {atomic, ResultOfFun} is returned where ResultOfFun is the value of the last expression in Fun.
A function which adds a family to the database can be written as follows if we have a structure {family, Father, Mother, ChildrenList}:
add_family({family, F, M, Children}) ->
    ChildOids = lists:map(fun oid/1, Children),
    Trans = fun() ->      
        mnesia:write(F#person{children = ChildOids}, 
        mnesia:write(M#person{children = ChildOids},
        Write = fun(Child) -> mnesia:write(Child) end,
        lists:foreach(Write, Children)

oid(Rec) -> {element(1, Rec), element(2, Rec)}.

This code adds a set of people to the database. Running this code within one transaction will ensure that either the whole family is added to the database, or the whole transaction aborts. For example, if the last child is badly formatted, or the executing process terminates due to an 'EXIT' signal while executing the family code, the transaction aborts. Accordingly, the situation where half a family is added can never occur.
It is also useful to update the database within a transaction if several processes concurrently update the same records. For example, the function raise(Name, Amount), which adds Amount to the salary field of a person, should be implemented as follows:
raise(Name, Amount) ->
    mnesia:transaction(fun() ->
        case mnesia:wread({person, Name}) of
            [P] ->
                Salary = Amount + P#person.salary,
                P2 = P#person{salary = Salary},
            _ ->
                mnesia:abort("No such person")

When this function executes within a transaction, several processes running on different nodes can concurrently execute the raise/2 function w