日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20532 次
根据上一篇中的TableKind类型可以写相应的show table 语句。
TableKind | 类型 | show语句 |
T | Table | show table 表名; |
V | View | show view 视图名; |
M | Macro | show macro 名; |
P | SQL Procedure | show procedure 名; |
E | External Stored Procedure | show procedure 名; |
D | JAR | |
R | Table function | show function 名; |
F | Standard function | show function 名; |
其他 |
/** * * @param TableName : The name of Production DB's table * @param TableKind : The kind of table * @return * @throws SQLException */ private String showTable(String TableName, String TableKind) throws SQLException { String sqlCREATE = ""; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = null; switch(TableKind) { case "T": sql = CommonConfig.sqlShowTable + "\"" + TableName + "\""; this.sqlListDrop.add(CommonConfig.sqlDropTable + "\"" + TableName + "\""); break; case "V": sql = CommonConfig.sqlShowView + "\"" + TableName + "\""; this.sqlListDrop.add(CommonConfig.sqlDropView + "\"" + TableName + "\""); break; case "M": sql = CommonConfig.sqlShowMacro + "\"" + TableName + "\""; this.sqlListDrop.add(CommonConfig.sqlDropMacro + "\"" + TableName + "\""); break; case "P": case "E": sql = CommonConfig.sqlShowProcedure + "\"" + TableName + "\""; this.sqlListDrop.add(CommonConfig.sqlDropProcedure + "\"" + TableName + "\""); break; case "D": logger.info(" -- TableKind is D, SKIP. -- "); break; case "R": case "F": sql = CommonConfig.sqlShowFunction + "\"" + TableName + "\""; this.sqlListDrop.add(CommonConfig.sqlDropFunction + "\"" + TableName + "\""); break; default: break; } logger.info(sql); if(sql == null) return null; ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //logger.info(sql); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while(rs.next()) { // Be careful, replace = with += sqlCREATE += rs.getString(1); } // Remove the DB name in the CREATE statement sqlCREATE = sqlCREATE.replace(DBConn.getDatabase() + ".", ""); sqlCREATE = sqlCREATE.replace(DBConn.getDatabase().toLowerCase() + ".", ""); sqlCREATE = sqlCREATE.replace(DBConn.getDatabase().toUpperCase() + ".", ""); sqlCREATE = sqlCREATE.replace("\"" + DBConn.getDatabase() + "\".", ""); sqlCREATE = sqlCREATE.replace("\"" + DBConn.getDatabase().toLowerCase() + "\".", ""); sqlCREATE = sqlCREATE.replace("\"" + DBConn.getDatabase().toUpperCase() + "\".", ""); rs.close(); ps.close(); return sqlCREATE; }
1. CommonConfig.sqlShowTable是字符串"show table ",其他类似。
2. 最值得注意的情况是
sqlCREATE += rs.getString(1);