日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20805 次

_library_cache_advice和latch:shared pool、latch:shared pool simulator

版本10.2.0.4和11.1.0.6中”_library_cache_advice”=TRUE的情况下可能出现高latch:shared pool、latch: shared pool simulator等latch争用等待事件,默认情况下_library_cache_advice受到参数”statistics_level”的影响为TRUE,当_library_cache_advice=TRUE时他启用library cache simulator特性。


该library cache simulator特性负责估算shared pool LRU的表现,simulator模拟器收集heap内存堆大小以及load载入、pin、unpin的次数信息;通过这些数据来估算出若我们有更大的shared pool,我们可以由更大的共享池来缓存更多的SQL、PLSQL在共享池中,以此来节约加载时间。若我们设置更小的shared pool size,则又会对加载时间有何等的影响?


题外话:另一个对ASMM 下shared pool有作用的参数:

  • If 0, will not try to shrink shared pool or Java pool
  • If greater than zero, will wait this many seconds after failed shrink request to ask again


禁用library cache simulator设置”_library_cache_advice”=false”可能”(具体仍需要诊断)解决高latch:shared pool、latch: shared pool simulator、Library Cache – Mutex X具体等的问题,禁用library cache simulator会导致AWR中”shared pool advisory”和 “java pool advisory”2个环节不可用,但是这些特性实际可有可无。




10204 no change baseline Executes/second = 3,610, DB Time = 12,349s, DB CPU = 8,938s, latch:library cache wait = 598s, avg.wait = 34ms
10204 – _library_cache_advice=off Executes/second = 3,843, DB Time = 16,208s, DB CPU = 9,402s, latch:library cache wait = 616s, avg. wait = 50ms
11106- no change -baseline Executes/second = 3,529, DB Time = 14,148s, DB CPU = 9,286s, library cache: mutex X wait = 2,725s, avg. wait = 1ms
11106 -session_cache=500, instantiation=150 Executes/second = 3,436, DB Time = 13,396s, DB CPU = 9,040s, library cache: mutex X wait = 2,383s avg. wait = 1ms
11106 – _library_cache_advice=off Executes/second = 6,059, DB Time = 75,134s, DB CPU = 17,321s, libra