日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20756 次
SQL> archive log list 数据库日志模式 非存档模式 自动存档 禁用 存档终点 USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST 最早的联机日志序列 2491 当前日志序列 2493
SQL> create or replace view redo_size 2 as 3 select value 4 from v$mystat, v$statname 5 where v$mystat.statistic# = v$statname.statistic# 6 and v$statname.name = 'redo size'; 视图已创建。
SQL> create public synonym redo_size for redo_size; 同义词已创建。
SQL> create table test_redos as select * from dba_objects where 1=2; 表已创建。
SQL> select * from redo_size; VALUE ---------- 736
SQL> insert into test_redos select * from dba_objects; 已创建73104行。 SQL> select * from redo_size; VALUE ---------- 8473536 SQL> insert /*+ append */ into test_redos select * from dba_objects; 已创建73100行。 SQL> select * from redo_size; VALUE ---------- 8504856 SQL> select (8473536-736)普通插入,(8504856-8473536) append插入 from dual; 普通插入 APPEND插入 ---------- ---------- 8472800 31320
二、在归档模式下(在数据库和表空间级别为设置force logging的情况下,默认非force logging):
SQL> archive log list; Database log mode Archive Mode Automatic archival Enabled Archive destination /archive1 Oldest online log sequence 114 Next log sequence to archive 116 Current log sequence 116
SQL> create table test_redos as select * from dba_objects where 1=2; Table created. SQL> select * from redo_size; VALUE ---------- 26812 SQL> insert into test_redos select * from dba_objects; 71971 rows created. SQL> select * from redo_size; VALUE ---------- 8490044 SQL> insert /*+ append */ into test_redos select * from dba_objects; 71971 rows created. SQL> select * from redo_size; VALUE ---------- 17001396 SQL> select (8490044-26812)普通插入,(17001396-8490044) append插入 from dual; 普通插入 APPEND插入 ---------- ---------- 8463232 8511352
SQL> alter table test_redos nologging; Table altered.继续测试
SQL> select * from redo_size; VALUE ---------- 8397184 SQL> insert into test_redos select * from dba_objects; 71971 rows created. SQL> select * from redo_size; VALUE ---------- 16801072 SQL> insert /*+ append */ into test_redos select * from dba_objects; 71971 rows created. SQL> select * from redo_size; VALUE ---------- 16836516 SQL> select (16801072-8397184)普通插入,(16836516-16801072) append插入 from dual; 普通插入 APPEND插入 ---------- ---------- 8403888 35444
三、在归档force logging模式下:
改变SCOTT用户的默认表空间为force logging模式
SQL> select username,default_tablespace from dba_users where username='SCOTT'; USERNAME DEFAULT_TABLESPACE ------------------------------ ------------------------------ SCOTT