日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20524 次

Oracle 数据库数据导出dump方式
[root@infodb111 ~]# su - oracle
[oracle@infodb111 /]$ mkdir /oracle/dump_dir
[oracle@infodb111 /]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> create directory dump_dir as '/oracle/dump_dir';
SQL> grant read,write on directory dump_dir to scott;
Grant succeeded
SQL> grant read,write on directory biappdump to maxthonbi;


[root@infodb111 ~]# vim biappdbback.sh 

D=maxthon_$(date +%Y%m%d);
export D;
expdp 'maxthon/maxthon@orcl' directory=biappdump dumpfile=${D}.dmp



[root@infodb111 ~]# chown oracle:dba biappdbback.sh 
[root@infodb111 ~]# chmod 775 biappdbback.sh 


[root@infodb111 ~]$ ./biappdbback.sh

Export: Release - Production on Wednesday, 26 May, 2010 11:02:10

Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORA-39006: internal error
ORA-39213: Metadata processing is not available

[oracle@infodb111 /]$ oerr ora 39006
39006, 00000, "internal error"
// *Cause: An unexpected error occurred while processing a Data Pump job.
//          Subsequent messages supplied by DBMS_DATAPUMP.GET_STATUS
//          will further describe the error.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
[oracle@infodb111 /]$ oerr ora 39213
39213, 00000, "Metadata processing is not available"
// *Cause: The Data Pump could not use the Metadata API. Typically,
//          this is caused by the XSL stylesheets not being set up properly.
// *Action: Connect AS SYSDBA and execute dbms_metadata_util.load_stylesheets
//          to reload the stylesheets.

根据oerr ora 39213提示,执行exec dbms_metadata_util.load_stylesheets;
