日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20487 次

       ㈠ 主键索引与NULL
       ㈡ 主键索引是否非唯一?
       ㈢ 主键索引的表空间
       表及其索引是否放在同一个表空间里面,基本不会影响性能的,这一点在Oracle 10.2的文档里面已经特意说明了
       create table t (a date, b date,constraint pk_t primary key (a) using index tablespace idx) tablespace users;
       alter table t  add constraint pk_t primary key(a)  using index TABLESPACE idx

       ㈣ 主键与本地索引

       这和Oracle 如何保证纪录唯一有关
       如果unique index key没有partition_key,那么每插入一行的纪录,需要扫描所有的索引分区才能验证整个表上这个记录是否唯一


hr@ORCL> drop table t purge;

Table dropped.

hr@ORCL> create table t (id number not null,p_id number)
  2      partition by range (p_id)
  3      (
  4        partition p1 values less than (2),
  5        partition p2 values less than (3),
  6        partition p3 values less than (4),
  7        partition p4 values less than (5),
  8        partition p5 values less than (maxvalue)
  9      );

Table created.

hr@ORCL> insert into t select rownum,decode(mod(rownum,5),0,5,mod(rownum,5)) from dual connect by level<=100000;

100000 rows created.

hr@ORCL> commit;

Commit complete.

hr@ORCL> alter table t add constraint pk_t primary key (id) using index local;
alter table t add constraint pk_t primary key (id) using index local
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14039: partitioning columns must form a subset of key columns of a UNIQUE index

hr@ORCL> alter table t add constraint pk_t primary key (id,p_id) using index local;

Table altered.

       ㈤ OCP_007考题:

Q: 1 Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table:


Which three statements insert a row into the table? (Ch