日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20361 次

select id,name
from (
      select id,name,row_number() over(partition by id order by piece desc) as piece
      from (
            select id,replace(sys_connect_by_path(name,';'),';','') as name,piece
            from (
                  select id,name,piece as child,piece-1 as father,piece
                  from (
                        select 1 as id,'我是' as name,1 as piece from dual
                        union all
                        select 1 as id,'中国' as name,2 as piece from dual
                        union all
                        select 1 as id,'人' as name,3 as piece from dual
                  ) t1
            ) t2
            start with father=0
            connect by prior child=father
      ) t3
) t
where piece=1



1.自Oracle 9i 开始,就可以通过 SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH 函数实现将从父节点到当前行内容以“path”或者层次元素列表的形式显示出来;


2.自Oracle 10g 开始,可以利用伪列函数CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF来判断当前行是不是叶子。如 果是叶子就会在伪列中显示“1”,如果不是叶子而是一个分支就显示“0”

select id,child,father,connect_by_isleaf
from (
      select id,name,piece as child,piece-1 as father,piece
      from (
            select 1 as id,'我是' as name,1 as piece from dual
            union all
            select 1 as id,'中国' as name,2 as piece from dual
            union all
            select 1 as id,'人' as name,3 as piece from dual
      ) t1
) t2
start with father=0
connect by prior child=father

3.当然,ORACLE 10g可以根据CONNECT_BY_ROOT函数返回树的根节点。

select connect_by_root name,id,name,child,father,piece,replace(sys_connect_by_path(name,';'),';','') as name
from (
      select id,name,piece as child,piece-1 as father,piece
      from (
            select 1 as id,'我是' as name,1 as piece from dual
            union all
            select 1 as id,'中国' as name,2 as piece from dual
            union all
            select 1 as id,'人' as name,3 as piece from dual
      ) t1
) t2
start with father=0
connect by prior child=father;

--注:上述3个函数必须带上start with和connect by prior关键字