日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20561 次
create or replace type mytype as table of number; --如果定义成varchar --CREATE OR REPLACE type mytype as table of varchar2(4000);
function my_split(piv_str in varchar2, piv_delimiter in varchar2) --piv_str 为字符串,piv_delimiter 为分隔符 return mytype is j int := 0; i int := 1; len int := 0; len1 int := 0; str varchar2(4000); my_split mytype := mytype(); begin len := length(piv_str); len1 := length(piv_delimiter); while j < len loop j := instr(piv_str, piv_delimiter, i); if j = 0 then j := len; str := substr(piv_str, i); my_split.extend; my_split(my_split.count) := str; if i >= len then exit; end if; else str := substr(piv_str, i, j - i); i := j + len1; my_split.extend; my_split(my_split.count) := str; end if; end loop; return my_split; end my_split;
select column_value from table(my_split('7369,7499,7521,7844',','));