日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20731 次
这是OracleText比较普遍且常用的应用场景。创建OracleText中Context类型的索引,生成大量的关键词,用于加快类似于普通的like ‘%xx%’操作速度,或者查询一些比较大的文档。可以使用contains函数进行数据检索。缺点:比较依赖于关键词和文档格式。有时可能不太准确。
create table normal_context( id number , contentclob ) ;
insert into normal_context values(1 , ' Use thisindex to build a textretrieval application when your text consists of largecoherent documents.You can indexdocuments of differentformats such as MS Word, HTMLor plain text. You cancustomize the index in avariety of ways. This index typerequires CTX_DDL.SYNC_INDEX after DML onbase table.') ; insert into normal_context values(2 ,'Use thisindex type for better mixed query performance.Typically, with this indextype, you index small documents ortext fragments.Other columns in thebase table, such asitem names, prices,and descriptionscan be included in the indexto improve mixedquery performance. This index typeis transactional, automaticallyupdating itself afterDML to base table. No CTX_ DDL.SYNC_INDEXis necessary.') ; insert into normal_context values(3 , ' UseCTXRULEindex to build adocument classification or routing application.This index is created on a table of queries,where the queriesdefine the classification or routing criteria.') ; insert into normal_context values(4 , ' Createthis index when you need tospeed up existsNode()queries on anXMLTypecolumn.') ;
CREATE INDEX idx_normal_content ONnormal_context(content) INDEXTYPE IS CTXSYS.CONTEXT ;
exec CTX_DDL.SYNC_INDEX('idx_normal_content') ;
_dexter@FAKE> SELECT SCORE(1), id, contentFROM normal_context WHERE CONTAINS(content, 'classification', 1) > 0; SCORE(1) ID CONTENT ---------- ------------------------------------------------------ 10 3 Use CTXRULEindex to