日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20542 次
select * from dbo.Employees
Org_Id EmployeeId EmployeeName Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 0x 10000 陈希章 CEO 0x58 10001 张三 CTO 0x68 10002 李四 CFO 0x5AC0 10003 王五 IT Manager 0x5B40 10004 赵六 Manager 0x5AD6 10005 洪七 Employee (6 行受影响)
同过下面的T-SQL查询 李四 在哪个表中的如下
declare @key varchar(30) set @key = '李四' --替换为要查找的字符串 DECLARE @tabName VARCHAR(40),@colName VARCHAR(40) DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(2000) declare @tsql varchar(8000) DECLARE tabCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name from sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'u' AND name <> 'dtproperties' OPEN tabCursor FETCH NEXT from tabCursor INTO @tabName WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN set @tsql = '' DECLARE colCursor CURSOR FOR Select Name from SysColumns Where id=Object_Id(@tabName) and xtype=167 OPEN colCursor FETCH NEXT from colCursor INTO @colName WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN SET @sql = 'if(exists(select * from ' + @tabName + ' where ' SET @sql = @sql + @colName + ' like ''%' + @key + '%'')) begin select * from ' set @sql = @sql + @tabName + ' where ' + @colName + ' like ''%' + @key + '%'';select ''' + @tabName + ''' as TableName end' set @tsql = @tsql + @sql + ';' FETCH NEXT from colCursor INTO @colName END exec(@tsql) CLOSE colCursor DEALLOCATE colCursor FETCH NEXT from tabCursor INTO @tabName END CLOSE tabCursor DEALLOCATE tabCursor