日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:21014 次


 * Created on 2010-10-21
 * To change the template for this generated file go to
 * Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates
 class mysql_class
 	private $host;
 	private $user;
 	private $pwd;
 	private $data;
 	private $charset;
 	public  $conn;

 	function __construct($host, $user, $pwd, $data, $charset)
 		$this->host = $host;
 		$this->user = $user;
 		$this->pwd  = $pwd;
 		$this->data = $data;
 		$this->charset   = $charset;

 	function connect()
        $this->conn = @mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pwd) or die("连接数据库错误!<br>".$this->error());
        mysql_select_db($this->data, $this->conn) or die("该数据库(".$this->data.")不存在!");
        mysql_query("set names ".$this->charset);

 	function query($sql, $type='')
 		if(!$query = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn)) $this->show("error:", $sql);
		return $query;

 	function show($message='', $sql='')
		if(!$sql) echo "{$message}查询语句不能为空";
		else echo $message."".$sql;

 	//===返回前一次 MySQL 操作所影响的记录总行数===
    function affected_rows() {
		return mysql_affected_rows();

	function result($query, $row=0, $fields=0)
		$row = abs($row);
		if(is_numeric($fields)) $fields = abs($fields);
		if($row >= $this->num_rows($query)) $row = $this->num_rows($query);
		if($fields >= $this->num_fields($query)) $fields = $this->num_fields($query);
		return mysql_result($query,$row,$fields);

	//===返回上一步 INSERT 操作产生的 ID值===
	function insert_id()
		return mysql_insert_id($this->conn);

	function free_result($query)
		return mysql_free_result($query);

     * 用于统计
    function getAll($sql)
        $res = $this->query($sql);
        if ($res !== false)
            $arr = array();
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
                $arr[] = $row;
            return $arr;
            return false;

    function getRow($sql, $limited = false)
        if ($limited == true)
            $sql = trim($sql . ' LIMIT 1');

        $res = $this->query($sql);
        if ($res !== false)
            return mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
            return false;

    function getCol($sql)
        $res = $this->query($sql);
        if ($res !== false)
            $arr = array();
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res))
                $arr[] = $row[0];
            return $arr;
            return false;

    function getOne($sql, $limited = false)
        if ($limited == true)
            $sql = trim($sql . ' LIMIT 1');

        $res = $this->query($sql);
        if ($res !== false)
            $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
            if ($row !== false)
                return $row[0];
                return '';
            return false;

     *  添加一条记录
     *  @author Garbin
     *  @param  array $data
     *  @return mixed
    function add($table, $data, $compatible = false)
        $id = '';
        if (empty($data))
            return false;
        $insert_info = $this->_getInsertInfo($data);
        $mode = $compatible ? 'REPLACE' : 'INSERT';

        $this->query("{$mode} INTO {$table} {$insert_info['fields']} VALUES{$insert_info['values']}");
        $insert_id = $this->insert_id();