Oracle 基本建表语句
create user han identified by han default tablespace
users Temporary TABLESPACE Temp;
grant connect,resource,dba to han; //授予用户han开发人员的权利
create table 表名(
字段名1 字段类型(长度) 是否为空,
字段名2 字段类型 是否为空
alter table 表名 add constraint 主键名 primary key (字段名1);
alter table 表名
add constraint 外键名 foreign key (字段名1)
references 关联表 (字段名2);
create table T_STU (
STU_ID char(5) not null,
STU_NAME varchar2(8) not null,
constraint PK_T_STU primary key (STU_ID)
create table T_SCORE (
EXAM_SCORE number(5,2),
AUTOID number(10) not null,
STU_ID char(5),
SUB_ID char(3),
constraint PK_T_SCORE primary key (AUTOID),
constraint FK_T_SCORE_REFE foreign key (STU_ID)
references T_STU (STU_ID)
create table classes(
id number(9) not null primary key,
classname varchar2(40) not null
select * from classes;
drop table students;
rename alist_table_copy to alist_table;
describe test --不对没查到
alter table test add address varchar2(40);
alter table test drop column address;
alter table test modify address addresses varchar(40;
alter table test modi
create table test1(
id number(9) primary key not null,
name varchar2(34)
rename test2 to test;
create sequence class_seq increment by 1 start with 1 MAXVALUE 999999 NOCYCLE NOCACHE;
select class_seq.currval from dual
insert into classes values(class_seq.nextval,'软件一班')
update stu_account set username='aaa' where count_id=2;
create unique index username on stu_account(username); --唯一索引 不能插入相同