日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20720 次

area 数据库模式总结

drop table EMP cascade constraints;

/* Table: EMP?????????????????????????????????????????????????? */
create table EMP? (
?? ID?????????????????? INTEGER???????????????????????? not null,
?? REALNAME???????????? varchar2(50),
?? LOGINNAME??????????? varchar2(50),
?? DEPTID?????????????? integer???????????????????????? not null,
?? constraint PK_EMP primary key (ID)

comment on table EMP is

comment on column EMP.ID is

comment on column EMP.REALNAME is

comment on column EMP.LOGINNAME is

comment on column EMP.DEPTID is


drop table DEPT cascade constraints;

/* Table: DEPT????????????????????????????????????????????????? */
create table DEPT? (
?? DEPTID?????????????? integer???????????????????????? not null,
?? DEPTNAME???????????? varchar2(50)??????????????????? not null,
?? constraint PK_DEPT primary key (DEPTID)

comment on table DEPT is

comment on column DEPT.DEPTID is

comment on column DEPT.DEPTNAME is






select * from emp;
select * from dept;

create or replace view emp_v
select e.id,e.realname,e.loginname,e.deptid,t.deptname from emp e,dept t where e.deptid=t.deptid;

create or replace view dept_v
select * from dept;





drop SEQUENCE emp_seq;
drop SEQUENCE dept_seq;
???? INCREMENT BY 1?? -- 每次加几个?
???? START WITH 10000???? -- 从1开始计数?
???? NOMAXVALUE?????? -- 不设置最大值?
???? NOCYCLE????????? -- 一直累加,不循环?
???? CACHE 10;?
???? INCREMENT BY 1?? -- 每次加几个?
???? START WITH 10000???? -- 从1开始计数?
???? NOMAXVALUE?????? -- 不设置最大值?
???? NOCYCLE????????? -- 一直累加,不循环?
???? CACHE 10;?

select emp_seq.nextval from dual;
select dept_seq.nextval from dual;


create or replace trigger emp_v_t
? INSTEAD OF INSERT or update or delete? ON emp_v FOR EACH ROW
? if inserting then
??? insert into emp(id,realname,loginname,deptid) values(emp_seq.nextval,:new.realname,:new.loginname,:new.deptid);
? end if;
? if updating then
??? update emp set realname=:new.realname,loginname=:new.loginname,deptid=:new.deptid where id=:old.id;
? end if;
? if deleting then
???? delete emp where id=:old.id;
? end if;

create or replace trigger dept_v_t
? INSTEAD OF INSERT or update or delete? ON dept_v FOR EACH ROW
? if inserting then
??? insert into dept(deptid,deptname) values(dept_seq.nextval,:new.deptname);
? end if;
? if updating then
??? update dept set deptname=:new.deptname where deptid=:old.deptid;
? end if;
? if deleting then
???? delete dept where deptid=:old.deptid;
? end if;




insert into dept_v(DEPTNAME) values('软件部')
update dept_v set deptname='软件部' where deptid=10001
insert into emp_v(realname,loginname,deptid) values('胡博维','hubowei',10001)


select * from emp;??
select * from emp_v;????

select * from dept;??
select * from dept_v;????






Select user_name,sql_text from V$open_cursor where user_name='weidu';

