日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20579 次


process structure


三种类型的进程:user process ,server process ,background process。

user process 就是客户端的进程。

对应服务器端的进程,server process 和background process。其实server process 也是background process


User process:A process that requests? interaction with the? oracle server,就是oracle 客户端的进程

?????????????????????例如:oracle 的sqlplus

Server process:A process that? directly interacts with oracle server。负责和客户端连接的进程,当然不只是这些事情。

Background process:包括 mandatory background process 和 optional background process

mandatory process:DBWn,PMON,CKPT,LGWR,SMON

optional process:


DBWn:把sga中databuffer cache 中的内容写到数据文件(datafiles)中。

???????????? n 代表会有多个进程

??????????? 当 checkpoint occurs,Dirty buffer reach? threshold,thear are no free? buffers,timeout occurs? and so on。

LGWR:把 Redo log buffer 中的数据写到redo log files中。 when: At commit,when one-third full,before DBWn writes. Every three seconds.

SMON:工厂清洁员。Instance Recovery



Archiver:日志归档。 Redo log files----》Archived redo log files。


Logical Structure
