日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20409 次
讨论1. 使用连接池后在通过连接池获取连接,进行数据库操作时, 是否需要主动关闭连接
项目中使用了apache dbcp 连接池后, 点击查询,当查询多次后,报如下错误:
org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource.getConnection(PoolingDataSource.java:114) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(BasicDataSource.java:1044)
通过测试,通过restart server后, 前10次,均可查询成功, 之后就开始报此错误. 推测是通过连接池获取数据连接后,
此连接一直占用状态, 当再次请求后,由于连接池中没有可用连接,所有请求连接时,就报了等待超时错误.
之前对数据库连接池, 有个理解: 连接池用在管理数据库连接的创建,关闭操作, 就以为无需关闭连接, 让连接池来自动关闭.
1 .通过查看dbcp源代码,关于连接池相关属性的设置:
1). maxActive/ maxWait: 源码如下, 意思 最大活动连接数,默认为8. 即连接池中最大连接数为8. 当程序超过此连接数再获取连接时,就处于排队状态, 当排队超高maxWait(见2, 默认为) 时间,就抛出异常.?
通过查看连接池配置,发现配置如下,即最大连接为10 ,等待时间为10ms ,通过调整maxWait时间如改为5000(即5s),程序在超过连接10次后, 请求正好5s后,抛出异常.?
datasource.setMaxActive(10); datasource.setMaxWait(10);?
/** * The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from * this pool at the same time, or negative for no limit. */ protected int maxActive = GenericObjectPool.DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE;
/** * The default cap on the total number of active instances from the pool. * @see #getMaxActive */ public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE = 8;
? /**
* The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait (when there * are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before * throwing an exception, or <= 0 to wait indefinitely. */ protected long maxWait = GenericObjectPool.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT; /** * The default maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the * {@link #borrowObject} method should block before throwing * an exception when the pool is exhausted and the * {@link #getWhenExhaustedAction "when exhausted" action} is * {@link #WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK}. * @see #getMaxWait * @see #setMaxWait */ public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT = -1L;?
maxWait默认为-1L ,一直等待.
maxActive和maxWait 设置需根据项目实际访问情况设置.?
/** * The minimum number of active connections that can remain idle in the * pool, without extra ones being created, or 0 to create none. */ protected int minIdle = GenericObjectPool.DEFAULT_MIN_IDLE; /** * The default minimum number of "sleeping" instances in the pool * before before the evictor thread (if active) spawns new objects. * @see #getMinIdle * @see #setMinIdle */ public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_IDLE = 0;
?最小空闲数,即:连接池中保持连接的最小数, 此属性越接近实际访问大小,效率越高. 默认为0,即无连接.
3). 关于对于未关闭连接的管理处理的参数:
removeAbandoned: ?是否关闭未关闭的连接, 默认为false, 改为true ,即超过removeAbandonedTimeout的连接,进行强制关闭.
removeAbandonedTimeout: 默认为300(单位秒)即5分钟, 根据操作数据时间来判断, 由于本系统访问较小且无复杂操作,设置为30s
logAbandoned: 关闭连接是否记录日志, 默认为false,改为true.
public class AbandonedConfig { /** * Whether or not a connection is considered abandoned and eligible * for removal if it has been idle longer than the removeAbandonedTimeout */ private boolean removeAbandoned = false; /** * Timeout in seconds before an abandoned co