日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20481 次

公司准备把数据库把MYSQL换成oracle。 系统有用dbunit写的测试DAO的代码。 但跑起来的时候总是有AmbiguousTableNameException 这个一场抛出在CLEAN_INSTALL的时候。上网找了


Why I get a "AmbiguousTableNameException"?

    This error occurs when no schema is specified and that DbUnit detect that it is getting columns information from multiple tables having the same name and located in different schemas.

    You can solve this problem in three different ways:

       1. Provide the schema name when creating the database connection. Note that for Oracle you must specify the schema name in uppercase.
       2. Ensure that the connection is restricted to access only one schema.
       3. Enable the qualified table names feature.

开始的时候以为这里的database connection是javax里的Connection。 其实这里的是dbunit里面的IDatabaseConnection dbUnitConn = new DatabaseConnection(conn);

换成new DatabaseConnection(conn,SCHEMA_NAME)  就ok了。 注意SCHMEA_NAME需要大写。