客户环境:db2 v82 fp13, aix 5.3一个采购管理系统,
问题描述:某些页面响应时间很慢,系统管理员通过系统监控,发现 CPU、I/O资源使用率高。
问题分析:这是典型的性能问题,分析的思路自然从database snapshot入手,发现rows read/rows selected过高,达到600左右,观察bufferpool同步读I/O,发现很低。这说明database有性能瓶颈。接着抓取sql snapshot快照,发现很多语句有问题。以下是找到的比较有意思的一条。
Number of executions = 3
Number of compilations = 1
Worst preparation time (ms) = 18
Best preparation time (ms) = 18
Internal rows deleted = 0
Internal rows inserted = 0
Rows read = 225976098
Internal rows updated = 0
Rows written = 77448
Statement sorts = 5520
Statement sort overflows = 6
Total sort time = 108
Buffer pool data logical reads = 166248
Buffer pool data physical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary data logical reads = 3391188
Buffer pool temporary data physical reads = 0
Buffer pool index logical reads = 404475
Buffer pool index physical reads = 3467
Buffer pool temporary index logical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary index physical reads = 0
Total execution time ( = 134.657283
Total user cpu time ( = 96.790617
Total system cpu time ( = 1.878419
Statement text = select sum(a.zctamount) amount,aa.invoicecode code,aa.status from invoicedetail a,invoice aa,billing b,deliverydetail c,orderdetail d, ord dd,ordertype e WHERE 1=1 and a.invoiceid=aa.invoiceid and a.billingid=b.billingid and b.relatedtrandetailid=c.deliverydetailid and c.orderdetailid=d.orderdetailid and dd.ordertypeid=e.ordertypeid and dd.orderid=d.orderid and e.saleflag>0 and aa.partnerid=dd.billto and aa.orgid=dd.sellerid and b.billto=dd.billto and a.relatedtrantype=10 and aa.status=80 and dd.sellerid=100000001 and dd.billto=100002441 and dd.status in ( 50, 60, 70) and dd.ordertypeid in (100000242,100000000,100000001,100000002,100000003,100000004,100000011,100000005,100000170,100000006,100000007,100000008,100000151,100000155,100000156,100000157,100000158,100000070,100000163,100000165,100000194,100000202,100000203,100000159,100000132) GROUP BY aa.invoicecode ,aa.status
找到了语句,接下来很自然的看它的执行计划。通过explain + db2e