日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20575 次
在Oracle 10g 的性能调优时,可以使用到的工具主要有三个,分别为ASH(active session history) 、AWR(automatic workload repository) 和ADDM(automatic database diagnostic monitor) 。这些工具比9i 中的statspack 有很大提升。
试想,在数据库出现性能问题,慢得要死的时候,最需要知道的就是系统慢在哪里。知道得越快越好。如果等待某个取样时间到了之后才能分析,这不是一个令人满意的解决过程。 以前 遇到这种情况,我们会去手工查动态性能视图,但在10g 中,使用ASH就可以快速定位问题。
ASH 工具主要查询的是v$active_session_history 视图,根据这个视图我们可以延伸出很多功能。
(miki西游 @mikixiyou 原文http://mikixiyou.iteye.com/blog/1630056 )
----------------------------------------- -- -- 最近5分钟消耗CPU Top 10 -- ----------------------------------------- SQL> select * from ( select session_id, session_serial#, count(*) from v$active_session_history where session_state= 'ON CPU' and sample_time > sysdate - interval '5' minute group by session_id, session_serial# order by count(*) desc ) where rownum <= 10; -------------------------------------------- -- -- 最近5分活动会话Top 10 -- -------------------------------------------- SQL> select * from ( select session_id, session_serial#,count(*) from v$active_session_history where session_state='WAITING'? and sample_time >? sysdate - interval '5' minute group by session_id, session_serial# order by count(*) desc ) where rownum <= 10;
-------------------- -- -- Who is that SID? -- -------------------- set lines 200 col username for a10 col osuser for a10 col machine for a10 col program for a10 col resource_consumer_group for a10 col client_info for a10 SQL> select? serial#, username, osuser, machine, program, resource_consumer_group, client_info from v$session where sid=&sid; ------------------------- -- -- What did that SID do? -- ------------------------- SQL> select distinct sql_id, session_serial# from v$active_session_history where sample_time >? sysdate - interval '5' minute and session_id=&sid; ---------------------------------------------- -- -- Retrieve the SQL from the Library Cache: -- ---------------------------------------------- col sql_text for a80 SQL> select sql_text from v$sql where sql_id='&sqlid';