日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20542 次
#!/usr/bin/env sh DBNODE='nodename' DBUSER='username' DBPASSWORD='password' connDB2() { if( db2 connect to $1 user $2 using $3 > /dev/null ) then echo 'OK' else echo "failed connect to ${DBNODE}" exit -1 fi } releaseDB2(){ db2 connect reset > /dev/null } run(){ connDB2 ${DBNODE} ${DBUSER} ${DBPASSWORD} sql=" select area_id ,areaname from pt.area " db2 -x ${sql}| while read area_id areaname do echo "Result:${area_id}->${areaname}" done releaseDB2 } echo "execute sql ................." run
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] then echo "execute error" exit -1 fi?
The return code can be one of the following:
Code ?Description
0 ? ? DB2 command or SQL statement executed successfully
1 ? ? SELECT or FETCH statement returned no rows
2 ? ? DB2 command or SQL statement warning
4 ? ? DB2 command or SQL statement error
8 ? ? Command line processor system error