日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20547 次
create or replace function getGoodsMsgForProtocol( str_in in varchar2,str_classId in varchar2)--分类字 return varchar2 is str_list varchar2(4000) default 'null';--连接后字符串 str_int number(2) default 0; begin for x in ( select goods.goodsname,goods.specs from t_Goods goods where goods.id=str_in) loop str_list :=x.goodsname||'='||x.specs||' '; str_int:=+1; end loop; if str_list='null' and str_int=0 then for x in ( select goodshistory.goodsname,goodshistory.specs from t_Goodshistory goodshistory where goodshistory.goodsid=str_in) loop str_list :=x.goodsname||'='||x.specs||' '; str_int:=+1; end loop; end if; if str_list='null' and str_int=0 then for x in ( select ac.acname,ac.specs from t_accessory ac where ac.id=str_in) loop str_list :=x.acname||'='||x.specs||' '; str_int:=+1; end loop; end if; if str_list='null' and str_int=0 then for x in ( select ach.acname,ach.specs from t_accessoryhistory ach where ach.id=str_in) loop str_list :=x.acname||'='||x.specs||' '; str_int:=+1; end loop; end if; if str_list='null' and str_int=0 then for x in ( select gs.goodsclassname from t_goodsclass gs where gs.id=str_classId) loop str_list :=x.goodsclassname||'='||' '; str_int:=+1; end loop; end if; return str_list; end;