日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20525 次

第四章 SELECT语句


??? SQL语法忽略大小写 ,但是对查询内容区分大小写


use test
create table student(
	id int identity primary key,
	stdName nvarchar(10),
	age int,
	address nvarchar(20),
	class nvarchar(10),
	speciality nvarchar(10),
	javaMark numeric(4,1),
	networkMark numeric(4,1),
	htmlMark numeric(4,1)
insert into student select '张三',20,'咸宁','200801','软件开发',75,67,45
insert into student select '李四',18,'武汉','200801','网络',95,89,85
insert into student select '王五',22,'宜昌','200801','软件开发',55,89,45
insert into student select '赵六',23,'宜昌','200801','网络',90,76,23
insert into student values('林奇',19,'襄樊','200801','软件开发',45,45,85)
insert into student values('赵柳',23,'荆州','200801','网络',95,23,98)
insert into student values('方成',25,'咸宁','200801','软件开发',89,45,78)
insert into student values('小李',17,'枝江','200801','网络',67,89,98)
insert into student select '小明',18,'孝感','200801','软件开发',90,78,54
insert into student select '小王',19,'钟祥','200801','网络',100,85,78
insert into student select '小红',21,'武汉','200801','软件开发',99,54,96
insert into student select '小黄',20,'宜昌','200801','网络',87,100,45
insert into student select '史蒂夫',19,'荆州','200801','软件开发',NULL,NULL,NULL
insert into student select '陈古',19,'宜昌','200801','网络',98,62,85

select id,stdName from student

select * from student

select address from student   --此时会有重复的数据出现
select distinct address from student   --DISTINCT关键字消除重复项

select stdName as '学生姓名',address as '地址' from student
select stdName '学生姓名',address'地址' from student

select stdName as '学生姓名',(javaMark+networkMark+htmlMark)/3 as '平均分' from student

select * from student where address='武汉'

select * from student where address<>'武汉'
select * from student where address !='武汉'

select * from student where stdName like '小%'

select * from student where stdName like '__夫%'

select * from student where stdName like '%李%'

select * from student where htmlMark >=60 and javaMark>=60

select * from student where htmlMark <60 OR javaMark<60

--is not, is 操作符, 一般用于判断字段的值是不是null
select * from student where htmlMark = null --错误写法
select * from student where htmlMark is null --正确写法

select * from student where htmlMark is not null

--从属运算(in ,between)
select * from student where address='武汉' OR address='宜昌' OR address='咸宁' --老式写法
select * from student where address in('武汉','宜昌','咸宁')--新式写法

select * from student where javaMark>=80 and javaMark<=100 --老式写法
select * from student where javaMark between 80 and 100--新式写法

