日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20423 次
Using Collections in Entity Fields and Properties
Collection-valued persistent fields and properties must use the supported Java collection interfaces regardless of whether the entity uses persistent fields or properties. The following collection interfaces may be used: ■ java.util.Collection ■ java.util.Set Entities Chapter 32 ? Introduction to the Java Persistence API 585 ■ java.util.List ■ java.util.Map If the entity class uses persistent fields, the type in the preceding method signatures must be one of these collection types. Generic variants of these collection types may also be used. For example, if it has a persistent property that contains a set of phone numbers, the Customer entity would have the following methods: Set<PhoneNumber> getPhoneNumbers() { ... } void setPhoneNumbers(Set<PhoneNumber>) { ... } If a field or property of an entity consists of a collection of basic types or embeddable classes, use the javax.persistence.ElementCollection annotation on the field or property. The two attributes of @ElementCollection are targetClass and fetch. The targetClass attribute specifies the class name of the basic or embeddable class and is optional if the field or property is defined using Java programming language generics. The optional fetch attribute is used to specify whether the collection should be retrieved lazily or eagerly, using the javax.persistence.FetchType constants of either LAZY or EAGER, respectively. By default, the collection will be fetched lazily. The following entity, Person, has a persistent field, nicknames, which is a collection of String classes that will be fetched eagerly. The targetClass element is not required, because it uses generics to define the field. @Entity public class Person { ... @ElementCollection(fetch=EAGER) protected Set<String> nickname = new HashSet(); ... } Collections of entity elements and relationships may be represented by java.util.Map collections. A Map consists of a key and a value. When using Map elements or relationships, the following rules apply. ■ The Map key or value may be a basic Java programming language type, an embeddable class, or an entity. ■ When the Map value is an embeddable class or basic type, use the @ElementCollection annotation. ■ When the Map value is an entity, use the @OneToMany or @ManyToMany annotation. ■ Use the Map type on only one side of a bidirectional relationship. If the key type of a Map is a Java programming language basic type, use the annotation javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn to set the column mapping for the key. By default, the name Entities 586 The Java EE 6Tutorial ? July 2012 attribute of @MapKeyColumn is of the form RELATIONSHIP-FIELD/PROPERTY-NAME_KEY. For example, if the referencing relationship field name is image, the default name attribute is IMAGE_KEY. If the key type of a Map is an entity, use the javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn annotation. If the multiple columns are needed to set the mapping, use the annotation javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumns to include multiple @MapKeyJoinColumn annotations. If no @MapKeyJoinColumn is present, the mapping column name is by default set to RELATIONSHIP-FIELD/PROPERTY-NAME_KEY. For example, if the relationship field name is employee, the default name attribute is EMPLOYEE_KEY. If Java programming language generic types are not used in the relationship field or property, the key class must be explicitly set using the javax.persistence.MapKeyClass annotation. If the Map key is the primary key or a persistent field or property of the entity that is the Map value, use the javax.persistence.MapKey annotation. The @MapKeyClass and @MapKey annotations cannot be used on the same field or property. If the Map value is a Java programming language basic type or an embeddable class, it will be mapped as a collec