日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20488 次
以下测试工具为SQL TOOLS。
1./*以sys登陆,给u1cp授权四个视图的权限*/ grant select on v_$latch to u1cp; grant select on v_$mystat to u1cp; grant select on V_$timer to u1cp; grant select on v_$statname to u1cp; 2./*在u1cp下建立sys视图的同义词*/ CREATE SYNONYM v_$latch FOR sys.v_$latch; CREATE SYNONYM v_$mystat FOR sys.v_$mystat; CREATE SYNONYM V_$timer FOR sys.V_$timer; CREATE SYNONYM v_$statname FOR sys.v_$statname; 3./*以u1cp登陆创建自己的统计视图。v$为v_$的同义词,v_$才是实际的底层视图,之前授权的就是v_$*/ create or replace view stats as select 'STAT..' || a.name name, b.value from v$statname a, v$mystat b where a.statistic# = b.statistic# union all select 'LATCH.' || name, gets from v$latch union all select 'STAT...Elapsed time', hsecs from v$timer; 4./*创建run_stats临时表*/ create global temporary table run_stats ( runid varchar2(15), name varchar2(80), value int )on commit preserve rows; 5./*创建runstat包*/ create or replace package runstats_pkg as procedure rs_start; procedure rs_middle; procedure rs_stop( p_difference_threshold in number default 0); --控制打印量,默认输出全部 end; / create or replace package body runstats_pkg as g_start number; g_run1 number; g_run2 number; procedure rs_start is begin delete from run_stats; insert into run_stats select 'before',stats.* from stats; g_start := dbms_utility.get_cpu_time; end; procedure rs_middle is begin g_run1 := (dbms_utility.get_cpu_time-g_start); insert into run_stats select 'after 1', stats.* from stats; g_start := dbms_utility.get_cpu_time; end; procedure rs_stop(p_difference_threshold in number default 0) is begin g_run2 := (dbms_utility.get_cpu_time-g_start); dbms_output.put_line('Run1 ran in '||g_run1||' cpu hsecs'); dbms_output.put_line('Run2 ran in '||g_run2||' cpu hsecs'); if (g_run2 <> 0) then dbms_output.put_line('Run 1 ran in '||round(g_run1/g_run2*100,2)||' % of the time'); end if; dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)); insert into run_stats select 'after 2', stats.* from stats; dbms_output.put_line(rpad('Name',30)||lpad('Run1',12)||lpad('Run2',12)||lpad('Diff',12)); for x in (select rpad(a.name,30)||to_char(b.value-a.value,'999,999,999')||to_char(c.value-b.value,'999,999,999')||to_char((c.value-b.value)-(b.value-a.value),'999,999,999') data from run_stats a, run_stats b,run_stats c where a.name=b.name and b.name=c.name and a.runid='before' and b.runid='after 1' and c.runid='after 2' and abs((c.value-b.value)-(b.value-a.value))>p_difference_threshold order by abs((c.value-b.value)-(b.value-a.value)) ) loop dbms_output.put_line(x.data); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)); dbms_output.put_line ( 'Run1 latches total versus runs -- difference and pct' ); dbms_output.put_line ( lpad( 'Run1', 12 ) || lpad( 'Run2', 12 ) || lpad( 'Diff', 12 ) || lpad( 'Pct', 10 ) ); for x in ( select to_char( run1, '999,999,999' ) || to_char( run2, '999,999,999' ) || to_char( diff, '999,999,999' ) || to_char( round( run1/run2*100,2 ), '99,999.99' ) || '%' data from ( select sum(b.value-a.value) run1, sum(c.value-b.value) run2, sum( (c.value-b.value)-(b.value-a.value)) diff from run_stats a, run_stats b, run_stats c where a.name = b.name and b.name = c.name and a.runid = 'before' and b.runid = 'after 1' and c.runid = 'after 2' and a.name like 'LATCH%' ) ) loop dbms_output.put_line( x.data ); end loop; end; end; --=================================测试================================== create table t1 (id number); create table t2 (id number); exec runstats_pkg.rs_start; Begin for i in 1..10000 Loop insert into t1 values(i); end loop; end; exec runstats_pkg.rs_middle; Begin for i in 1..10000 Loop Execute Immediate 'insert into t2 values('||i||')'; end loop; end;--SQL拼接 exec runstats_pkg.rs_stop; output: 18 PL/SQL block, executed in 0.172 sec. Run1 ran in 2 cpu hsecs