日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20896 次
Logdump 92 >help FC [<num> | <string>] - Edit previous command HISTORY - List previous commands OPEN | FROM <filename> - Open a Log file RECORD | REC - Display audit record NEXT [ <count> ] - Display next data record SKIP [ <count> ] [FILTER] - Skip down <count> records FILTER - Apply filter during skip COUNT - Count the records in the file [START[time] <timestr>,] [END[time] <timestr>,] [INT[erval] <minutes>,] [LOG[trail] <wildcard-template>,] [FILE <wildcard-template>,] [DETAIL ] <timestr> format is [[yy]yy-mm-dd] [hh[:mm][:ss]] POSITION [ <rba> | FIRST | LAST | EOF ] - Set position in file REVerse | FORward - Set read direction RECLEN [ <size> ] - Sets max output length EXIT | QUIT - Exit the program FILES | FI | DIR - Display filenames ENV - Show current settings VOLUME | VOL | V - Change default volume DEBUG - Enter the debugger GHDR ON | OFF - Toggle GHDR display DETAIL ON | OFF | DATA - Toggle detailed data display RECLEN <nnn> - Set data display length SCANFORHEADER (SFH) [PREV] - Search for the start of a header SCANFORTYPE (SFT) - Find the next record of <TYPE> <typename> | <typenumber> [,<filename-template>] SCANFORRBA (SFR) - Find the next record with <SYSKEY> <syskey> - syskey = -1 scans for next record ,<filename-template> SCANFORTIME (SFTS) - Find the next record with timestamp <date-time string> [,<filename-template>] <date-time string> format is [[yy]yy-mm-dd] [hh[:mm][:ss]] SCANFORENDTRANS (SFET) - Find the end of the current transaction SCANFORNEXTTRANS (SFNT) - Find start of the next transaction SHOW <option> - Display internal information [OPEN] - list open files [TIME] - print current time in various formats [ENV] - show current environment [RECTYPE] - show list of record types [FILTER] - show active filter items BIO <option> - Set LargeBlock I/O info [ON] - Enable LargeBlock I/O (default) [OFF] - Disable LargeBlock I/O [BLOCK <nnnn>]- Set LargeBlock I/O size TIMEOFFSET <option> - Set the time offset from GMT [LOCAL] - Use local time [GMT] - Use GMT time [GMT +/- hh[:mm]] - Offset +/- from GMT FILTER SHOW FILTER ENABLE | ON - Enable filtering FILTER DISABLE | OFF - Disable filtering FILTER CLEAR [ <filterid> | <ALL> ] FILTER MATCH ANY | ALL FILTER [INClude | EXCLude] <filter options> <filter options> are RECTYPE <type number | type name> STRING [BOTH] /<text>/ [<column range>] HEX <hex string> [<column range>] TRANSID <TMF transaction identifier> FILENAME <filename template> PROCESS <processname template> INT16 <16-bit integer> INT32 <32-bit integer> INT64 <64-bit integer> STARTTIME <date-time string> ENDTIME <date-time string> SYSKEY [<comparison>] <32/64-bit syskey> SYSKEYLEN [<comparison>] [<value>] TRANSIND [<