日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20459 次
use tempdb; go --1-1 在tempdb中创建Customers表 if OBJECT_ID('dbo.customers','u') is not null drop table dbo.customers; create table dbo.customers (custid int not null primary key, companyname nvarchar(40) not null, country nvarchar(15) not null, region nvarchar(15) null, city nvarchar(15) not null); --1-2 向customers表中插入一行数据 insert into dbo.customers(custid, companyname, country, region, city) values(100, N'Company ABCDE', N'USA', N'WA', N'Redmond'); --1-3 将Sales.Customers表中所有下过订单的客户插入tempdb数据库的Customers表。 insert into dbo.customers select distinct c.custid, c.companyname, c.country, c.region, c.city from tsqlfundamentals2008.sales.customers as c, tsqlfundamentals2008.sales.orders as o where c.custid=o.custid; --1-4 用select into创建一个orders表,将2006~2008年之间的订单填充到这个表 if OBJECT_ID('dbo.orders', 'u') is not null drop table dbo.orders; go select * into dbo.orders from TSQLFundamentals2008.Sales.Orders where orderdate between '20060101' and '20081231'; --2 删除2006年8月之前的订单,使用output子句返回被删除订单的orderid和orderdate列。 delete from dbo.orders output deleted.orderid, deleted.orderdate where orderdate < N'20060801' --3 删除来自Brazil的客户下过的订单 delete from o from dbo.orders as o join dbo.customers as c on c.custid=o.custid and c.country = N'Brazil' --4-1 运行以下对customers表的查询 select * from customers; --4-2 更新customers表,将所有值为null的region列设置为"<None>",使用output子句显示custid、region列原来的值以及region列新的值 update customers set region = N'<None>' output inserted.custid, deleted.region as oldregion, inserted.region as newregion where region is null; --5 更新来自UK的客户所下的所有订单,将订单的shipcountry,shipregion以及shipcity列设置成所属客户的country,region及city列上的取值 update o set o.shipcountry = c.country, o.shipregion = c.region, o.shipcity = c.city from dbo.orders as o join dbo.customers as c on o.custid = c.custid and c.country = N'UK';