日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20547 次
use tempdb; go select * into dbo.orderdetails from TSQLFundamentals2008.Sales.OrderDetails; select * into dbo.orders from TSQLFundamentals2008.Sales.Orders; update od set discount=discount+0.5 from dbo.orderdetails as od join dbo.orders as o on od.orderid = o.orderid where custid = 1; with C as (select custid, od.orderid, productid, discount, discount+0.5 as newdiscount from dbo.orderdetails as od join dbo.orders as o on od.orderid=o.orderid) update c set discount=newdiscount where custid=1; update d set discount = newdiscount from (select custid, od.orderid, productid, discount, discount+0.5 as newdiscount from dbo.orderdetails as od join dbo.orders as o on od.orderid=o.orderid where custid=1) as d; use tempdb; if OBJECT_ID('dbo.T1', 'u') is not null drop table dbo.T1; create table dbo.t1(col1 int, col2 int); insert into dbo.t1(col1) values(10),(20),(30); select * from dbo.t1; with c as (select col1, col2, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by col1) as rownum from dbo.t1) update c set col2=rownum; select * from dbo.t1; with c as (select top(50) * from dbo.orders order by orderid) delete from c; with c as (select top(50) * from dbo.orders order by orderid desc) update c set freight=freight+10.00; --通过在修改语句中添加output子句,就可以实现从修改语句中返回数据的功能。 --在output子句中,可以指定希望从修改过的行中要返回的列和表达式。 use tempdb; if OBJECT_ID('dbo.t1', 'u') is not null drop table dbo.t1; create table dbo.t1 (keycol int not null identity(1,1) constraint pk_t1 primary key, datacol nvarchar(40) not null); insert into dbo.t1(datacol) output inserted.keycol, inserted.datacol select lastname from TSQLFundamentals2008.HR.Employees where country=N'USA' declare @NewRows table(keycol int, datacol nvarchar(40)); insert into dbo.t1(datacol) output inserted.keycol, inserted.datacol into @NewRows select lastname from TSQLFundamentals2008.HR.Employees where country=N'UK'; select * from @newrows; use tempdb; if OBJECT_ID('dbo.orders','u') is not null drop table dbo.orders; select * into dbo.orders from TSQLFundamentals2008.Sales.Orders; delete from dbo.orders output deleted.orderid, deleted.orderdate where orderdate<'20080101'; use tempdb; if OBJECT_ID('dbo.orderdetails','u') is not null drop table dbo.orderdetails; select * into dbo.orderdetails from TSQLFundamentals2008.Sales.OrderDetails; update dbo.orderdetails set discount = discount+0.05 output inserted.productid, deleted.discount as olddiscount, inserted.discount as newdiscount where productid=51; use tempdb; if OBJECT_ID('dbo.productsaudit', 'u') is not null drop table dbo.productsaudit; if OBJECT_ID('dbo.products', 'u') is not null drop table dbo.products; select * into dbo.products from TSQLFundamentals2008.Production.Products; create table dbo.productsaudit (LSN int not null identity primary key, TS datetime not null default(current_timestamp), productid int not null, oldval sql_variant not null, newval sql_variant not null); insert into dbo.productsaudit(productid, oldval, newval) select * from (update dbo.products set unitprice*=1.15 output inserted.productid, deleted.unitprice as oldval, inserted.unitprice as newval where supplierid=1) as c where c.oldval<20.0 and c.newval>=20.0; select * from dbo.productsaudit;