日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20392 次
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: akuoma -- Create date: 20120822 -- Description: 返回一个@len长度的随机字串 -- Thinking:26个小写字符ascII('a')97~ascII('z')122, -- 26个大写字符ascII('A')65~ascii('Z')90 -- cast(rand()*26 as int) 返回 26 之间的数 -- paramer: -- @len int 需要随机字串的长度(50个字符以内) -- @flag varchar(10) 小写随机串:lower ;大写随机串:upper ;不分 rand或空 -- ============================================= create Procedure dbo.GetRandStr(@len int, @flag varchar(10), @reval varchar(50) out) AS BEGIN -- Declare the return variable here --declare @reval varchar(50); declare @maxlen int; declare @rand int; declare @temp float; set @reval=''; if @len<=50 set @maxlen = @len; else set @maxlen =50; -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here while(@maxlen>0) begin set @rand = cast(RAND()*26 as int) --随机小写字符 if @flag='lower' set @rand = @rand+97; --随机大写字符 else if @flag='upper' set @rand = @rand+65; --随机看rand()*2<=1时返回小写,反之返回大写 else begin set @temp = RAND()*2; set @rand = case when @temp<=1 then @rand+97 else @rand+65 end; end set @reval = @reval+char(@rand); set @maxlen = @maxlen-1; end --select @reval; END GO
exec dbo.GetRandStr 10,null,@reval;
declare @i int; declare @name varchar(6); declare @float float; set @i=0; while(@i<1000) begin exec dbo.getrandstr 6,null,@name out; set @float= RAND(); insert into Leo.dbo.person_info(name,sex,birthday,tel,inser_user,inser_date) select @name, case when RAND()*2<=1 then '男' else '女' end, case when @float<=0.1 then cast('1981-1-1' as datetime) when @float<=0.2 then cast('1982-1-1' as datetime) when @float<=0.3 then cast('1983-1-1' as datetime) when @float<=0.4 then cast('1984-1-1' as datetime) when @float<=0.5 then cast('1985-1-1' as datetime) when @float<=0.6 then cast('1986-1-1' as datetime) when @float<=0.7 then cast('1987-1-1' as datetime) when @float<=0.8 then cast('1988-1-1' as datetime) when @float<=0.9 then cast('1989-1-1' as datetime) else cast('1990-1-1' as datetime) end, null, current_user, getdate(); set @i=@i+1; end
-- ============================================= -- Author: akuoma -- Create date: 2012-08-22 -- Description: 用视图避开返回不确定值的rand()与newid()都不能在函数内部使用 -- ============================================= Create View v_Random as select rand() as random;
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: akuoma -- Create date: 20120822 -- Description: 返回一个@len长度的随机字串 -- Thinking:26个小写字符ascII('a')97~ascII('z')122, -- 26个大写字符ascII('A')65~ascii('Z')90 -- cast(rand()*26 as int) 返回之间的数 -- paramer: -- @len int 需要随机字串的长度(50个字符以内) -- @flag varchar(10) 小写随机串:lower ;大写随机串:upper ;不分rand或空 -- ============================================= create Function dbo.GetRandStr2(@len int, @flag varchar(10)) returns varchar(50) AS BEGIN -- Declare the return variable here declare @reval varchar(50); declare @maxlen int; declare @rand int; declare @temp float; set @reval=''; if @len<=50 set @maxlen = @len; else set @maxlen =50; -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here while(@maxlen>0) begin select @rand=random*26 from v_Random; --随机小写字符 if @flag='lower' set @rand = @rand+97; --随机大写字符 else if @fl