日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20677 次

#? Use connection pooling. 使用连接池 connection pooling
#? Choose appropriate isolation levels. 选择合适的隔离级别
#? Use Statement pooling. 使用statement pooling
#? Statements versus Prepared Statements: When to Use What? 合适的选用Statement 或者 PreparedStatement
#? Tune the SQL to minimize the data returned (e.g. not ‘SELECT *'). 进行SQL调优来减少返回的数据集 比如不使用select *
#? Avoid the Usage of Metadata Methods (e.g DatabaseMetaData.getColumns()? whenever Possible. They are expensive. 尽可能的避免使用Metadata方法(比如DatabaseMetaData.getColumns())
#? Try to combine queries and batch updates. 合并查询和进行批量更新
#? Use stored procedures.使用存储过程
#? Cache data to avoid repeated queries.对数据进行缓存来避免重复查询
#? Close resources (Connections, Statements, ResultSets) when finished with.操作结束时关闭资源(连接,statement, ResultSet等等)