日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20604 次

Working With Android Contacts
Gluing it together
To put this together into an application there are a few glue pieces that need to
be setup along with creating classes to manage accessing the data. First we need to create a set of classes to hold the data. Also we'll create a class to handle 2.0 API calls and a class to handle 1.6 and earlier API calls. There's also a wrapper class that determines and loads the proper class.
Contact Data Classes
The contact classes are a series of classes to hold a list of contacts. The list is stored in the class ContactList that maintains an ArrayList of Contacts. The Contact objects are represented in the Contact class. The contact class stores all the data from the Android contact record. In addition to the ContactList and Contact classes there are specialized classes to represent some of the record data.
We will create classes to represent the address, email, instant messenger, phone number, and organization(s). Most of these classes are mere data storage classes with variables and getter/setters.

The ContactList class is a very basic class designed to hold an ArrayList of instances of the Contact class below. We've left this class very plain and ready to be expanded to suit your needs.
package com.higherpass.android.ContactAPI.objects;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ContactList {

private ArrayList<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<Contact>();

public ArrayList<Contact> getContacts() {
return contacts;

public void setContacts(ArrayList<Contact> contacts) {
this.contacts = contacts;

public void addContact(Contact contact) {
public ContactList() {



The Contact class is used to store the details about each contact. There are a series of private class variables to hold this data. Singular data such as name and database ID are stored as strings. Complex data is stored either as an instance or ArrayList of data specific classes. This class is mainly getters and setters with a few methods to add to the internal ArrayLists.
package com.higherpass.android.ContactAPI.objects;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Contact {
private String id;
private String displayName;
private ArrayList<Phone> phone;
private ArrayList<Email> email;
private ArrayList<String> notes;
private ArrayList<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<Address>();
private ArrayList<IM> imAddresses;
private Organization organization;

public Organization getOrganization() {
return organization;
public void setOrganization(Organization organization) {
this.organization = organization;
public ArrayList<IM> getImAddresses() {
return imAddresses;
public void setImAddresses(ArrayList<IM> imAddresses) {
this.imAddresses = imAddresses;
public void addImAddresses(IM imAddr) {
public ArrayList<String> getNotes() {
return notes;
public void setNotes(ArrayList<String> notes) {
this.notes = notes;
public void addNote(String note) {