日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20483 次
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `getAllpaged`(IN pageSize INT,IN currPage INT) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN declare Idmax int; declare lowerbound int; declare maxpage int; declare upperbound int; select max(id) from ftp into Idmax;//选出最大ID select ceiling(1.0*Idmax/pageSize) into maxPage;//选出最后页的页号 if (currPage>0 and currPage<=maxPage) then select Idmax-pageSize*currPage into lowerbound; select Idmax-pageSize*(currPage-1) into upperbound;//实现倒选 SELECT * FROM ftp WHERE id>lowerbound AND id<=upperbound order by id desc; else set lowerbound=Idmax-pageSize; SELECT * FROM ftp WHERE id>lowerbound AND id<=Idmax order by id desc; //若在范围以外则返回第一页 end if; END