日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20512 次

Oracle中NOT IN的问题


???? select * from(
??select count(t1.xh) as xhs,t2.uuid,t3.xm as xsxm,t3.sfzjh, t1.xjzt as xjzt from hust_xs_jb t1
???INNER JOIN hust_xx_identity t2 on t1.sfid= t2.sfid
? ??INNER JOIN hust_xx_profile t3 on t2.uuid=t3.uuid group by t2.uuid ,t3.xm, t3.sfzjh, t1.xjzt order by t3.xm) t
??where xhs>=2 and xjzt not in('15','17','19','21','30','31','32','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','40','51','52','53','54')

查出的数据为空,但是去掉where条件中的第二个条件(也就是NOT IN条件)却能查出31条数据,且其中只有一条的数据的XJZT字段为33,其他的都为null,应该查出30条数据啊,这是为什么呢?难道NOT? IN会将null值过滤掉?于是将sql稍加修改:

???? select * from(
??select count(t1.xh) as xhs,t2.uuid,t3.xm as xsxm,t3.sfzjh, t1.xjzt as xjzt from hust_xs_jb t1
???INNER JOIN hust_xx_identity t2 on t1.sfid= t2.sfid
? ??INNER JOIN hust_xx_profile t3 on t2.uuid=t3.uuid group by t2.uuid ,t3.xm, t3.sfzjh, t1.xjzt order by t3.xm) t
??where xhs>=2 and (xjzt not in('15','17','19','21','30','31','32','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','40','51','52','53','54') or xjzt is null)

就能查出所需要的30条数据了。网上查了一下,说Oracle not in 如果返回的有null值的话,就不会有记录。