日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20426 次

ORA:00054 处理
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
1)COMMIT or ROLLBACK will release locks of the current user
2)If its really locked and the commit suggestions don't work, get the SID and
SERIAL# fields from v$session and issue a ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command.
This sometimes takes a while as Oracle has some cleaning up to do, but the
object is eventually freed.
a、以sysdba身份登陆数据库,connect ***/***@*** as sysdba
b、从视图v$session中查找状态为inactive的SID,select status, sid, serial# from v$session
c、使用命令kill状态为inactive的session,alter sysmen kill session '<sid>,<serial>'