日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20512 次

AndBox发布最新版AndRootFile(安安文件管理) 3.0 beta 版

The ultimate file manager for root users, similar to the rootexplorer,It is a support system-level view document management software,also supports file operations and sharing.





Version 2.1:
The ultimate file manager for root users.It can access the whole of file system and support copy, cut,paste, delete and rename.
Version 3.0:
1)Adding compression decompression (ZIP, JAR, CPIO, TAR) function\n
2)Add file browser select
3) Modify the file browser errors, support the special characters file or folder
4) Add the file size of the function
5) Add shared function
6) Add attributes
7) Add functionality to send the file\n
8) optimize the file search function
9) Add files type icons

1) 添加压缩解压(ZIP,JAR,CPIO,TAR)功能。
2) 添加文件浏览选择。
3) 修改文件浏览的BUG,支持特殊字符的文件或文件夹。
4) 添加文件大小功能。
5) 添加分享功能。
6) 添加属性。
7) 添加发送文件功能。
8) 优化文件搜索功能。
9) 添加文件类型图标