ORACLE 自定义类型该如何导入?
ORACLE 自定义类型该如何导入?
已经完成ZHS16GBK字符集和AL16UTF16 NCHAR 字符集中的导入
IMP-00017: 由于 ORACLE 的 2304 错误,以下的语句失败
"CREATE TYPE "MAIN_SZ_ZGY_TYPE" TIMESTAMP '2008-03-07:15:25:13' OID '91234DA"
"113E2469C859AD34D984CB5E1' "
" as object"
"total NUMBER,"
" total_lj_je NUMBER,"
" corresponding_period_je NUMBER,"
" corresponding_period_percent VARCHAR2(30)"
IMP-00003: 遇到 ORACLE 错误 2304
ORA-02304: 无效的对象标识文字
IMP-00017: 由于 ORACLE 的 2304 错误,以下的语句失败
请问:ORACLE 自定义类型该如何导入????
在system用户下定义 type MAIN_SZ_ZGY_TYPE,授权
grant all on MAIN_SZ_ZGY_TYPE to public;
用户a建表用system.MAIN_SZ_ZGY_TYPE 类型,这样导出用户表时就不会到type了,在用户b中就不会建type。
If you are importing using the FROMUSER/TOUSER clause to duplicate a schema
within an instance, you may experience the following errors:
imp system/manager fromuser=a touser=b file=demo.dmp log=import.log
IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 2304:
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 2304 encountered
ORA-02304: invalid object identifier literal
IMP-00063: Warning: Skipping table "x"."x" because object
type "x"."x" cannot be created or has different identifier
These errors will occur if the schema has a user defined object type(s)
(CREATE TYPE) and a relational table column of a user defined datatype.
The IMP-00017 error is of particular interest since it indicates te source
of the error:
IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 2304:
"CREATE TYPE "xxxx" TIMESTAMP '1999-01-01:12:00:00' OID '####' as object ..."
In brief, if the FROMUSER's object types already exist on the target instance,
errors occur because the object identifiers (OIDs) of the TOUSER's object types
already exist. Within a single database instance, object identifiers (OIDs) must
be unique. As a result, the error causes Import will skip the creation of
relational tables with columns of the pre-existing user defined type.
So what are the options available to us for completing this import?
Possible Solution Scenarios:
A.) Use the IGNORE=Y clause on the import
This WILL NOT succeed since CREATE TYPE errors are only ignored if
importing into the originating schema, not into a separate "to"
B.) Pre-create the relational table in the TOUSER's schema
This WILL NOT succeed since the CREATE TYPE statement is present in
the export file.
C.) Drop the TABLE and TYP