日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20487 次
if exists(select * from dbo.sysobjects where id=object_id('contentCopyChannerId') and objectproperty(id,'isprocedure')=1) drop procedure contentCopyChannerId go create proc contentCopyChannerId as declare @ID numeric declare @DETAILID numeric declare @USERID numeric declare @BASECHANNEL numeric declare @NEWBASECHANNEL numeric declare @TITLE varchar(300) declare @CREATETIME datetime declare @SOURCE varchar(100) declare @SOURCEURL varchar(100) declare @FINGER varchar(100) declare @AUTH_TYPE numeric declare @ATTACHMENT_COUNT numeric declare @COMMENT_COUNT numeric declare @HITS numeric declare @displaytime datetime declare @isdel numeric declare @titlePicture numeric declare @style varchar(20) declare @titlecolor varchar(50) declare @TOP char(1) declare @TOPTIME datetime declare @channel3g_Click int declare @isCopy varchar(50) declare @State int declare @newID numeric declare @CONTENT_CHANNEL_STATUS numeric declare @CONTENT_CHANNEL_CREATETIME datetime declare @CONTENT_CHANNEL_PUBLISHTIME datetime Set @State = 0 declare @contentCursor cursor --内容 declare @contentChannelCursor cursor --内容频道关系 Begin Tran set @contentCursor=cursor for select top 2 [ID] , DETAILID , USERID ,( case BASECHANNEL when '100339' then '101133' when '100340' then '101134' when '100343' then '101117' when '100317' then '100985' when '100319' then '100985' when '100661' then '100984' when '100311' then '100986' when '100316' then '100981' when '101111' then '101004' when '100315' then '100982' when '101110' then '101006' when '100318' then '100990' when '100342' then '101123' when '100312' then '101120' when '100627' then '101122' end) as NEWBASECHANNEL , BASECHANNEL , TITLE , CREATETIME , SOURCE , SOURCEURL , FINGER , AUTH_TYPE , ATTACHMENT_COUNT , COMMENT_COUNT , HITS , displaytime , isdel , titlePicture , style , titlecolor , [TOP] , TOPTIME , channel3g_Click from CONTENT where BASECHANNEL in( --100339 --,100340 --,100343 --,100317 --,100319 --,100661 100311 --,100316 --,101111 --,100315 --,101110 --,100318 --,100342 --,100312 --,100627 ) and (isCopy is null or isCopy='') open @contentCursor --如果没有任何行则直接退出 If @@Cursor_Rows = 0 Begin Close @contentCursor Deallocate @contentCursor End fetch next from @contentCursor into @ID , @DETAILID , @USERID , @NEWBASECHANNEL , @BASECHANNEL , @TITLE , @CREATETIME , @SOURCE , @SOURCEURL , @FINGER , @AUTH_TYPE , @ATTACHMENT_COUNT , @COMMENT_COUNT , @HITS , @displaytime , @isdel , @titlePicture , @style , @titlecolor , @TOP , @TOPTIME , @channel3g_Click while(@@fetch_status=0) begin set @isCopy=1 insert into CONTENT( DETAILID , USERID , BASECHANNEL , TITLE , CREATETIME , SOURCE , SOURCEURL , FINGER , AUTH_TYPE , ATTACHMENT_COUNT , COMMENT_COUNT , HITS , displaytime , isdel , titlePicture , style , titlecolor , [TOP] , TOPTIME , channel3g_Click , isCopy ) values( @DETAILID , @USERID , @NEWBASECHANNEL , @TITLE , @CREATETIME , @SOURCE , @SOURCEURL , @FINGER , @AUTH_TYPE , @ATTACHMENT_COUNT , @COMMENT_COUNT , @HITS , @displaytime , @isdel , @titlePicture , @style , @titlecolor , @TOP , @TOPTIME , @channel3g_Click , @isCopy ) Set @newID = @@Identity update CONTENT set isCopy='2' where (isCopy is null or isCopy='') and ID=@ID set @contentChannelCursor=cursor for --内容频道关系结果集 select CREATETIME, PUBLISHTIME, STATUS from CONTENT_CHANNEL where CHANNEL_ID=@BASECHANNEL and CONTENT_ID=@ID Open @contentChannelCursor --如果没有任何