日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20575 次
first implementation simply uses static sql to select all of the values for B from
T for a given A and string them together:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_transposed (p_a IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_str VARCHAR2 (2000) DEFAULT NULL; l_sep VARCHAR2 (1) DEFAULT NULL; BEGIN FOR x IN (SELECT b FROM t WHERE a = p_a) LOOP l_str := l_str || l_sep || x.b; l_sep := '-'; END LOOP; RETURN l_str; END; /
column t format a30; drop table t; create table t ( a varchar2(25), b varchar2(25) ); insert into t values ( '210','5000' ); insert into t values ( '210','5001' ); insert into t values ( '210','5002' ); insert into t values ( '220','6001' ); insert into t values ( '220','6002' ); commit;
select a, get_transposed( a ) t from t group by a / A T ------------------------- ------------------------------ 210 5000-5001-5002 220 6001-6002
next example is more complex.? We will pass in the name of the 'key' column (the
column to pivot on), a value for that column, the name of the column to actually select
out and string together and finally the table to select from:
create or replace function transpose( p_key_name in varchar2, p_key_val in varchar2, p_other_col_name in varchar2, p_tname in varchar2 ) return varchar2 as type rc is ref cursor; l_str varchar2(4000); l_sep varchar2(1); l_val varchar2(4000); l_cur rc; begin open l_cur for 'select '||p_other_col_name||' from '|| p_tname || ' where ' || p_key_name || ' = :x ' using p_key_val; loop fetch l_cur into l_val; exit when l_cur%notfound; l_str := l_str || l_sep || l_val; l_sep := '-'; end loop; close l_cur; return l_str; end; /
REM List the values of "B" for a given value REM of "A" in the table "T" select a, transpose( 'a', a, 'b', 't' ) t from t group by a / A T ------------------------- ------------------------------ 210 5000-5001-5002 220 6001-6002
SQL> create table idtable (id number,name varchar2(30)); Table created SQL> insert into idtable values(10,'ab'); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into idtable values(10,'bc'); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into idtable values(10,'cd'); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into idtable values(20,'hi'); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into idtable values(20,'ij'); 1 row inserted SQL> insert into idtable values(20,'mn'); 1 row inserted SQL> select * from idtable; ID NAME ---------- ------------------------------ 10 ab 10 bc 10 cd 20 hi 20 ij 20 mn 6 rows selected SQL> select id,wmsys.wm_concat(name) name from idtable 2 group by id; ID NAME ---------- -------------------------------------------- 10 ab,bc,cd 20 hi,ij,mn SQL> select id,wmsys.wm_concat(name) over (order by id) name from idtable; ID NAME ---------- -------------