日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20506 次
3.4 Section Group 属性
Section group 支持查询包含内部结构的文档(如html、xml 文档等),可以指定对文档
的某一部分进行查询,你可以将查询范围限定在标题head 中。在html、xml 等类似结构的文
档中,除了用来显示的内容外,还包括了大量用于控制结构的标识,而这些标识可能是不希望被索引的,这就是section group 的一个主要功能(原文:In order to issue WITHIN queries on document sections, you must create a section group before you define your sections)
3.4.1 Null_section_group
Create table my_sec (id number, docs varchar2(100));
Insert into my_sec values (1, 'a simple section group, test null_section_group attribute.');
Insert into my_sec values (2, 'this record one, can be query in nornal');
Insert into my_sec values (4, 'this record
are tested for
the query in paragraph');
Create index ind_m_sec on my_sec(docs) indextype is ctxsys.context
parameters ('section group ctxsys.null_section_group');
Select * from my_sec where contains(docs, 'record and query') > 0;
--要预先定义sentence 或paragraph',否则查询会出错
Select * from my_sec where contains(docs, '(record and query) within sentence') > 0;
ctx_ddl.create_section_group('test_null', 'null_section_group');
ctx_ddl.add_special_section('test_null', 'sentence');
ctx_ddl.add_special_section('test_null', 'paragraph');
drop index ind_m_sec;
Create index ind_m_sec on my_sec(docs) indextype is ctxsys.context
parameters ('section group test_null');
Select * from my_sec where contains(docs, '(record and query) within sentence') > 0;
Select * from my_sec where contains(docs, '(record and query) within paragraph') > 0;
3.4.2 Basic_section_group
basic_section_group 才是支持节搜索的最基础的一种属性,但是它只支持以<tag>开头以
Create table my_sec1 (id number, docs varchar2(1000));
Insert into my_sec1 values (1, '<heading>title</heading>
<context>this is the contents of the example.
Use this example to test the basic_section_group.</context>');
Insert into my_sec1 values (2, '<heading>example</heading>
<context>this line incluing the word title too.</context>');
Create index ind_my_sec1 on my_sec1(docs) indextype is ctxsys.context;
Select * from my_sec1 where contains (docs, 'heading') > 0;
Ctx_ddl.create_section_group('test_basic', 'basic_section_group');